BCS was fortunate enough to help with the transformation of Mystique Lounge, now Aura Nightclub, on Bar Rescue on Spike TV. We gave them two ID scanners so they know who enters their club. This will protect them if an incident occurs by knowing who was and who was not....
ID Scanner Software Update and Video
As we've mentioned before there are a lot of fake IDs out there. We are doing all we can to help you protect your venue from fake drivers licenses but we appreciate any help we can get. We were very happy to hear yesterday that four US Senators have asked...
How do you target a market that doesn't already exist? That is the challenge for bars around the Barclays Center Arena in Brooklyn. According to the local Community Board, over two dozen new bar and restaurants have requested liquor licenses in the past 12 months.
The best drivers license scanner / ID scanner on the market. Based in New York City, we provide you with the most advanced age verification solution available. Patent pending.