We updated our free and premium iPhone and iPod ID scanner app on iTunes. The format of new British Columbia licences changed so we updated our software. Download this latest version to your ID scanner for the best possible experience. Thanks!!!
An article on WUFT News in Florida about fake IDs and the methods one doorman uses. “You see an ID from out of state, you’re skeptical. If (the photo) is kind out of focus or bubbly, like a fish eye, you know someone took it on a webcam or some kind of...
The penalty for serving minors alcohol will get tougher in Illinois starting January 1, 2013. It will be a Class A misdemeanor to allow underage drinking on your property. It becomes a Class 4 felony if someone suffers serious injury or death as a result of you allowing underage drinking on your...
California Alcoholic Beverage Control was recenlty awarded $853,000 to help fund operations for a number of departmental programs to combat underage drinking and educate licensees about alcoholic beverage laws. Good work California!!!
The best drivers license scanner / ID scanner on the market. Based in New York City, we provide you with the most advanced age verification solution available. Patent pending.