Wisconsin police use ID scanners to catch criminals at bars shar.es/wcH1e #IDScanner — Bar & Club Stats (@barandclubstats) June 3, 2013
Have a list of people you don't want in your venue? Have a list of VIPs that you want to take special care of? We now offer you the ability to add banned and VIP patrons online. Once entered, if that person is scanned on your ID scanner, it will...
AM New York did a feature about BCS in today's paper. They discussed our grant from MillerCoors and our mission to protect venues against underage drinking and the use of fake IDs.
Check out the review of our premium ID scanning app on iTunes. We appreciate the feedback!
The best drivers license scanner / ID scanner on the market. Based in New York City, we provide you with the most advanced age verification solution available. Patent pending.