Looking to prevent whoever is using our ID scanner from seeing too much patron information? We added a very cool feature on our premium ID scanning app. You can now hide a patron's address so only his/her name and age is shown. Our software still checks for expiration and authenticity....
Illinois was one of the few states to encrypt its drivers licenses, and as of May 2013 they stopped this practice. In an email from the Illinois Secretary of State they wrote: "Since the information contained in the 2D barcode prints on the front of the card, the office...
We apologize if you are experiencing slowness uploading your ID scanner data. We are doing server maintenance this week and should be done by Wednesday. Scanner Homescreen Sync
Glad we could help @campbisco this weekend. Have fun and be safe! #CampBisco — Bar & Club Stats (@barandclubstats) July 11, 2013
The best drivers license scanner / ID scanner on the market. Based in New York City, we provide you with the most advanced age verification solution available. Patent pending.